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כמוסות מורינגה אורגנית

120 כמוסות של 500 מ"ג

20% הנחה
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
1000+ ביקורות

הייתי סקפטית בהתחלה, אבל התוצאות מדברות בעד עצמן! אני מרגישה הרבה יותר אנרגטית, פחות עייפות באמצע היום וגם העיכול שלי השתפר משמעותית. ממליצה! | דנה

הרגשות שחוסר אנרגיה, עיכול לא תקין או מחסור בויטמינים ומינרלים מביאים איתם, משפיעים לנו על כל משך היום. זו בדיוק הסיבה שיש את כמוסות המורינגה – הדרך הקלה, המרוכזת והעוצמתית להזין את הגוף בכל מה שהוא באמת צריך. כל כמוסה מכילה 500 מ"ג של מורינגה אורגנית טהורה, עשירה בנוגדי חמצון, ויטמינים ומינרלים – לתמיכה באנרגיה, עיכול מאוזן ובריאות כללית.

כי לכולנו מגיעים ימים טובים יותר.

In stock

מוצרי מורינגה בוסט נבחרו ע"י מומחים ומבוססים מחקרית. מחקרים מוכיחים: המורינגה מחזקת את הגוף, מעלה אנרגיה ותומכת בהרזיה.

*התמונה להמחשה בלבד
דוקטור ממליץ

How to use

4 capsules per day near meals, 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon.

First time?
First week - one capsule a day
Week two – two capsules a day
Third week - three capsules a day
Fourth week - four capsules a day

Shipping time

Your order will be processed within one business day and will reach you after 1-5 business days throughout the country.
Business days include Sunday through Thursday. Holiday evenings, Fridays, and Saturdays are not considered business days.

  • Manufactured in a factory supervised by the Ministry of Health
  • Made in Israel - Emek Hefer
  • Kosher under the supervision of the Jezreel Valley Rabbinate
View full details
  • Renewed energy for the whole day

    Do you wake up tired? Do you collapse in the middle of the day? The iron and minerals in moringa give you a natural boost, restore your energy, and keep you alert and focused for hours.

  • Easier and more pleasant digestion

    Feeling heavy after every meal? The natural fiber in moringa helps your digestive system work smoothly, so you can feel light and relaxed all day long.

  • Say goodbye to cravings

    Dealing with constant hunger or a craving for sweets? Moringa helps balance sugar levels in the body, leaving you calm, focused, and free of unnecessary cravings.

  • The secret to healthy, glowing skin

    Tired of fighting acne and dry skin? Moringa, rich in antioxidants and essential vitamins, gives your skin exactly what it needs – freshness, vitality, and true radiance!

  • Natural strengthening of the immune system

    Getting sick again and again? With moringa, which is rich in vitamin C and anti-inflammatory components, you strengthen your immune system and enjoy natural protection against disease.

  • Strong and healthy hair

    Tired of dealing with thinning or hair loss? Moringa, rich in vitamins A, C, and E, strengthens hair from the inside, improves scalp health, and restores shine and thickness.

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Results that speak for themselves

What our customers say


Experience a significant increase in energy levels


See a clear reduction in swelling and weight


Report smoother, more radiant skin

*Results may vary from person to person.

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Questions? We've got you covered.

So what is Moringa?

The true superfood! A natural plant rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which provides many health benefits and improves the functioning of the body and mind.

Why is this important to me?

Most of us suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiencies due to today's processed diet. That's exactly why we founded our store - to bring you Moringa, the "miracle tree," which provides a natural and rich boost to the health of body and mind.

Who is this suitable for?

Moringa is suitable for most people, but is not recommended for those taking blood thinners, suffering from kidney failure, pregnant women, or young children. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

How to use

4 capsules per day near meals, 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon.

First time?
First week - one capsule a day
Week two – two capsules a day
Third week - three capsules a day
Fourth week - four capsules a day

What is the shipping time?

Your products will arrive at your home in just 1-5 business days! From the moment of shipment.

It is important for us to remember

Our products are natural dietary supplements and not medicines. They are not intended to cure diseases, but rather to support a personal process for maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. There is no guarantee of a specific result, but they can certainly help and promote your health.

Your health revolution starts now!

Don't miss the opportunity to upgrade your health the natural way! 🌿
MoringaBoost – not just a supplement, but a real change for a strong and healthy life.
Give your body the strength it deserves! 💚